Change of Integrator Instructions

We are grateful that you have chosen to let us take care of your building security for you but there are some things that need to be done to keep everything above board and professional. 

 This document outlines the process that should be followed in order for CXI (or any other company) to become your site's new preferred integrator. 


Why this is important?

The security industry has developed a mechanism to stop security installers (known as integrators) invading or stealing other companies installations and to facilitate the transfer of passwords and documents etc.

This mechanism is also to ensure a third-party mediation in the case where an integrator is unfairly treating their clients or behaving unprofessionally (yes that does happen!).  


It’s not perfect but it’s what we have. 


To avoid any complications if a customer wants to change to a new integrator then this should be mediated via the manufacturer of the product installed, for example: 


Integrator installs an Inner Range Integriti system but doesn’t want to service or fix issues with the system. The client must request the system be registered to the new integrator through Inner Range support in order for the new integrator to receive updates or tech support if required. 



Is this essential?  

While this process isn’t essential for the new integrator to come in and fix problems it is important for two things: 


  1. the manufacturer is aware of the poor performance from the incumbent company and works with them to either improve their service or at worst restricts them from selling/installing their product 

  2. Opens an official line of communication with the incumbent company requesting passwords for the system be handed over to the new integrator 


What needs to be done? 

These are the steps that need to be taken to bring on a new integrator, these are slightly different based on the installed system but essentially the same: 


Inner Range Inception/Integriti/Infiniti  

  1. An email or official communication should be sent to the incumbent formerly advising they are engaging another contractor and request the passwords to the system for a new integrator to take over. 

  2. An email or written request needs to be made to CXI asking they take over and step #1 has been completed. 

  3. Inner Range has a form called the “Integriti - Installer Authorisation Form V1.1” which needs to be completed. This form can be requested through CXI which we’ll complete our section and you can then complete yours. 

  4. We will send this to Inner Range support to formally change the integrator information 

  5. CXI will need to perform a service call to either have the passwords changed (if known) or reset by either the tech (Inception) or Inner Range (Integriti/Infiniti). 

  6. We can then officially take over and service your site 


ICT Protege WX/GX 

  1. An email or official communication should be sent to the incumbent provider formerly advising they are engaging another contractor and request the passwords to the system for a new integrator to take over. 

  2. An email or written request needs to be made to CXI asking they take over and step #1 has been completed. 

  3. ICT requires an email to the state representative from the client or their approved representative. You will need to email the manufacturer which we can supply the email when ready.

  4. CXI will need to perform a service call to either have the passwords changed (if known) or the system will need to be reset and reprogrammed. 

  5. We can then officially take over and service your site 

 CCTV Systems (all varieties)  

  1. An email or official communication should be sent to the incumbent formerly advising they are engaging another provider and request the passwords to the system for a new integrator to take over. 

  2. An email or written request needs to be made to CXI asking they take over and step #1 has been completed. 

  3. CXI will need to perform a service call to either have the passwords changed (if known) or the system will need to be reset and reprogrammed or new hardware installed.  

  4. For Networkoptix VMS systems and email needs to be sent to the supplier / manufacturer advising of their intent to change integrator

What should I write? 

We’ve included an example below with all the details so there is no delays and misunderstanding, please feel free to change or adjust to your needs but remember it’s always good to be professional and respectful: 

To [Incumbent Company Name], 

The owners of [Building name] would like to let you know that they have chosen to engage another provider for the ongoing service and maintenance of their building. 

We are requesting that [Incumbent Company Name] hand over all the usernames, passwords As Built/Work As Executed documents for any of the systems installed or under your control at the site such as: 

  • Access Control 

  • CCTV Recorder and Cameras 

  • Intercom 

  • Security System 


If there are any services that are managed by your company that you will be discontinuing then please let us know so we can assist you with removal of hardware and find another provider to ensure a smooth transition. 

We will require this information by COB on the [date specified by you].   

We would like to thank you for your service this far and all the best in the future.  



[Client representative] 


What if I don’t have a response from the incumbent? 

If you do not get any response from the incumbent or the response is not acceptable then there are two ways to move forward: 


  1. Advise the manufacturer of the response and request they step in to assist, then 

  2. CXI will need to get assistance from the manufacturer to reset the passwords or reset and reprogram the system 


What if the system needs to be reprogrammed? 

This is a last resort option as it can be quite expensive.  Essentially there will need to be at least two technicians onsite full time reprogramming and testing the devices ie. a full site commissioning like it was brand new. 

We will assist you with trying all other avenues before we go down this path.  



Any Questions? 

If you have any questions please feel free to reach out at any time. 


Bticino User Guide